

数学学院, Science and 工程 offers several minors in many academic departments, all of which can support and enhance a variety of different degree programs. Whether students are working towards careers in science or non-science fields, 对自然世界更深刻的理解, 数学与统计学, or engineering offers many advantages in the workplace and problem solving in any environment.




Non-majors can select a minor in 环境科学. The 环境科学 minor is designed for students who wish to explore and receive a comprehensive education in a natural science that covers topics and issues of local, 国家, 以及全球广播的重要性, 土壤, 还有水资源.

课程列表 课程名称 学分
METR 1325 自然灾害 4
ENSC 1410 环境科学 4
ENSC /杂志3410 土壤保持与实验室 4
生物/化学/地质/ METR 先进的选择性 3
ENSC /杂志4460 水质研究 4

BIOL 1401可以替代ensc1410. METR 3340, METR 3345 and METR 4315 can be used to satisfy the advanced elective.



The 地质 minor requires 20 hours of coursework. It was designed to give prepare students for future work in geology, 无论是在他们的职业生涯中还是在研究生院. It prepares students by supplying a good foundation and work in important areas of intersection with 地质, 比如水, 环境, 和土壤.

课程列表 课程名称 学分
1401年地质 物理地质 4
1402年地质 历史地质学 4
3411年地质 水文地质 4
3450年地质 环境地质 4
3460年地质 地貌学 4


The 气象学 minor will provide students with a comprehensive education in the dynamics of the earth's atmosphere, 天气分析, 天气预报. The minor includes course work on the impact of air pollution on people and 环境, the threat of changing climate due to global warming as well as severe weather, 世界气候. 气象学 is an interdisciplinary program and includes application in mathematics, 水文, 物理, and chemistry for academic research in the following areas: weather modeling and forecasting, 空气污染研究, 水文, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications in meteorology, 和教育. 学生 should take additional courses in mathematics, 尤其是微积分课程, as part of the preparation in operational meteorology, because these mathematics courses are necessary for successful completion of the upper-division 气象学 courses.



  • met1430气象学
  • met3310雷达气象学
  • 气象预报1
  • met3330预报2
  • 恶劣天气
  • METR 3340水文


  • METR 3356天气气象学
  • met3360卫星气象学


The 辅修物理 program is designed to enhance students who major in other subject areas, 尤其是在数学方面, 科学, 和工程. Please see the respective page for program requirements.



  • 物理I和实验室
  • 物理II和实验II
  • PHYS 3310 Modern 物理 and Mathematical 物理
  • 物理学3320经典动力学


  • 物理学:经典电动力学
  • 物理4340量子物理1
  • 物理化学与实验



课程列表 课程名称 学分
2305年的今天 物理我 3
2105年的今天 物理I实验室 1
2306年的今天 物理二世 3
2106年的今天 物理II实验室 1
工程师3350 静力学与动力学 1

Plus any two out of the three course options listed below:

  • ENGR 3455 Strength of Materials and Laboratory
  • ENGR 4375热力学
  • 流体力学与实验室


学生 may substitute ENGR 4399 Special Topics in 工程 for one of the upper-level engineering course options only with permission from the chair of the 工程 Department




BIOL 1403: Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity
BIOL 9 additional upper-division hours in 生物学




化学1301 -化学原理1
化学1101 -化学原理实验室1
化学1302 -化学原理2
CHEM 1102 - Chemical Principles Laboratory II 
化学2311 -有机化学1
化学2111 -有机化学实验室1
化学2312 -有机化学II
化学2112 -有机化学实验室II 
化学4351 -生物化学1 
化学4251 -生物化学I实验室
化学4352 -生物化学II
化学4252 -生物化学II实验室

One of the following Elective Course (2-3 hours):

化学4353 -分子生物化学
化学4354 -酶学
化学4260 -高级化学研究





化学1301 -化学原理1
化学1101 -化学原理实验室1
化学1302 -化学原理2
CHEM 1102 - Chemical Principles Laboratory II 
化学2311 -有机化学1
化学2111 -有机化学实验室1
化学2312 -有机化学II
化学2112 -有机化学实验室II 





A minor in 计算机信息系统 (CIS) can be a valuable addition to any major since nearly all fields of study and organizations today employ computer technology in some way.


  • 15小时的CIS课程
    6 credit hours or more must be upper division (3000-4999) courses

There is much flexibility in selecting from the CIS courses to meet your specific areas of interests in programming, 计算机网络, 新兴技术与网络安全.

Recommended Course Clusters for the Minor in 计算机信息系统

集群1 -网络和安全

  • CIS 2328:硬件和系统软件
  • CIS 2340:操作系统入门
  • CIS 2335计算机网络
  • CIS 3340 Windows客户端-服务器网络
  • CIS 3353:计算机系统安全


  • CIS 2328:硬件和系统软件
  • CIS 2340:操作系统入门
  • CIS 2335计算机网络
  • CIS 3367网络和电信
  • CIS 3380新兴技术

集群3 -网络和电信

  • CIS 2328:硬件和系统软件
  • CIS 2340:操作系统入门
  • CIS 2335计算机网络
  • CIS 3340 Windows客户端-服务器网络
  • CIS 3367网络和电信

Cluster 4 – Linux Networks and Telecommunications

  • CIS 2328:硬件和系统软件
  • CIS 2340:操作系统入门
  • CIS 2335计算机网络
  • CIS 2350: UNIX/Linux操作系统
  • CIS 3325: Linux网络
  • CIS 3367网络和电信

集群5 -数据库编程

  • CIS 2330 -程序设计语言1
  • CIS 2333 -脚本语言
  • CIS 2368 -网站开发I
  • CIS 3300 -程序设计语言II
  • MIS 3363 – Design and Implementation of Databases and Systems

集群6 -网站开发

  • CIS 2330 -程序设计语言1
  • CIS 2333 -脚本语言
  • CIS 2368 -网站开发I
  • CIS 3300 -程序设计语言II
  • CIS 3365 -网站开发II

集群7 -网站编程

  • CIS 2330 -程序设计语言1
  • CIS 2333 -脚本语言
  • CIS 2368 -网站开发I
  • CIS 3365 -网站开发II
  • CIS 4375 -创建动态网站

集群8 -编程

  • CIS 2330 -程序设计语言1
  • CIS 2333 -脚本语言
  • CIS 2368 -网站开发I
  • CIS 3300 -程序设计语言II
  • CIS 4330 -面向对象编程



学生 who are pursuing majors in other subject areas may elect to get a minor in actuarial science. 学生 who are pursuing a degree (BA or BS) in mathematics may also use this minor to fulfill the "minor requirement".


BFIN 3321 - Principles of Financial Management
BFIN 3325 -货币和资本市场
MATH 3331 - Foundations of Probability and 统计数据
MATH 3332 - Foundations of Statistical Inference
数学4333 -回归分析


学生 who are pursuing majors in subject areas other than mathematics may elect to get a minor in mathematics.

The requirement for a minor in mathematics include:

18个学期的数学课程, 包括MATH 2312, 2313, and at least 9 hours of upper division courses.


学生 who are pursuing majors in other subject areas may elect to get a minor in statistics. 学生 who are pursuing a degree (BA or BS) in mathematics may also use this minor to fulfill the "minor requirement".


数学2312 -微积分1
数学2313 -微积分II
MATH 3331 - Foundations of Probability and 统计数据
MATH 3332 - Foundations of Statistical Inference
MATH 3333 - Application of Statistical Methods I


数学4333 -回归分析
MATH 4335 - Computational 统计数据 and its Applications
MATH 2312 and MATH 2313 may be double-counted toward a BS or BA degree in 数学 and a minor in 统计数据. The other courses listed above may not be double-counted toward a BS or BA in 数学 when used toward a minor in 统计数据.

The upper division courses listed here are not to be double counted toward either BS or BA in mathematics.



学生 who are pursuing majors in subject areas other than nutrition may elect to get a minor in 营养.

The requirement for a minor in 营养 includes:

NUTR 2341 and at least 9 hours of other NUTR courses, 6 hours of which must be in upper-division courses (3000 and above). Seminar, Practicum, and 1000-level courses do not meet the requirements for a minor.