Sister Marth Ann Kirk

Sr Martha Ann Kirk (CCVI)

Department of Religious Studies Phone: (210) 883-5934

With a Th.D. in Theology and the Arts from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Calif., 她是道成肉身大学的宗教研究和艺术教授, San Antonio, Texas, teaching over 7,000 students, writing six books, and visiting over 30 countries, often leading students. She is interested in furthering San Antonio’s flourishing as a City of Compassion within the global Charter for Compassion movement leading to respect and justice for all and for the Earth itself. In light of this, she has become an International Compassionate Integrity Training Facilitator. 她是SA2020大使,鼓励朝着繁荣的圣安东尼奥的共同愿景前进.

She has been the San Antonio Peace Laureate, 德州年度和平缔造者, and recognized in various ways for building interfaith and intercultural bridges. She was included in the PBS "Women, War, and Peace" series as a “Teacher of Peace.她在公民领导和可持续发展的化身世界解决中心的大学内促进社会正义和服务学习. As a Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word of San Antonio, she serves as a leader in their International Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee.

  • Th.D. in Theology and the Arts, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California, 1986
  • M.A. 宗教与宗教教育, Fordham University, Bronx, New York, 1977 (Comprehensives with Honors)
  • M.A. 1973年,新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基市新墨西哥大学艺术教育专业,辅修艺术史
  • B.A. 中学教育以优异成绩毕业,主修演讲, Drama, and Art, Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, Texas 1968
  • University of the Incarnate Word:
    • 宗教研究教授(1992 -)
    • Associate Membership on the Graduate Faculty as a member of dissertation committees
    • Thomas A. 2006 - 2009年法国宗教研究主席
    • UIW新教师指导计划,1998年至今
    • 礼仪外展计划主任,1986年至今
    • 宗教研究系协调员,1991 - 1995年
    • 1986 - 1989年研究生司法与和平研究联合主任
    • Assistant Professor, 1978 - 1980
    • IWC Lecturer, 1972
    • Scholar-in-Residence, Tantur Ecumenical Institute, Jerusalem, 1995, with travel in Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and the Sinai and further research in the Middle East in the summers of 1996年、1999年、2001年、2004年、2005年、2007年、2009年(与妇女全球联系合作的巡回演出)
  • Oblate神学院(兼职)事工计划的属灵导师和教师, 1987 - 1992
  • Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, Summer Instructor, 1983 - 1985, Creative Arts for Worship, Preaching, and Spirituality, 1987
  • 伯克利圣方济会神学院客座教授
    • 《下载澳门赌博官网》,1981 - 1983;
    • Coordinated and critiqued weekly Prayer Services with Lay Presiding and Preaching;
    • Spiritual Director for students
  • Incarnate Word High School, Religion, Drama, Speech, Art, and English teacher, 1968 - 1970
  • St. Peter's School, San Antonio, Art teacher in grades 1 to 8, Spring 1968

The Academic work listed above.

道成肉身的仁爱姐妹会,美国.S. 省领导班子兼职,2000 - 2002年

“Valyermo dancers celebrate 50 years of sacred dance,” National Catholic Reporter, Oct. 14, 2022

San Antonio Interfaith Leaders Unite to Create a “City of Compassion,” Interfaith America, June 24, 2022.

“Digging, Growing, and Transforming,” Interfaith America, March 10, 2022,


“Young women work together to present at UN forum,” Global Sisters Report, September 2, 2022. Co-authors, Martha A. Kirk, Tatum Spriester.

开发和协调了一个有150多人参加的虚拟会议“真理与转变的储存:同情”, Civic Engagement, Teaching Social Justice,” Aug. 2021年4 - 6日,录音和资源可在线获取

Presentation in the Gulf South Service Learning Summit, 2021, “ Creative Life and Relationships Emerging from Dia de los muertos,” building relationships in three countries and four institutions. 在“愿圣体带给我们安慰。!” Global Sisters Report, February 21, 2020 and shown in “Incarnate Word Cross Cultural Contact and Compassion”

“眼泪正在洗我们的眼睛,我们可能会看到,在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥教书,一个'同情之城',” , 2021, 改编自联合国教科文组织和圣雄甘地和平与可持续发展教育研究所的社会情感学习系列, from an article for the 世界课程与教学理事会通讯, Summer 2020 content/uploads/2020/07/summer - 2020通讯.pdf pp. 18–22. Co-authored with Victoria Saldana.

“Prophetic Voices,” Presenter for the 45 th 周年纪念妇女按立会,十一月. 28, 2020

Blessed is She who Dances for Justice and Peace: Carla De Sola” Presentation for the Sacred Dance Guild Festival, 来自7个国家的演讲者的虚拟聚会, August 3, 2020.

Featured in a short film “Sister Martha” Peace Educator in the PBS series “Women, War, 在圣安东尼奥当地公共广播公司KLRN赞助的阿比盖尔·迪斯尼的节目中首次亮相, March 20, 2019年在托宾表演艺术中心举行. The film can be seen

世界课程与教学理事会会议开幕主题演讲答辩人, 《全球公民教育的开花结果:赋予我们共同的人性力量并将其转变为和平文化. Toh Swee-Hin, who is a UNESCO Prize for Peace Education Laureate, Rome, Italy, July 15, 2018. 还介绍了“根服务城市”, 服务世界的分社:化身的世界姐妹会应市长的请求成立于1869年, 澳门博彩官网下载的学生和教师在本地和全球范围内提供服务

在联合国平行会议活动“通过地方领导机会赋予妇女权力”小组上发言, in the Sixty-first session of the  Commission on the Status of Women, New York City, March 16, 2017. (Read about it

在“伊斯坦布尔峰会:联合国2015年后发展议程中的妇女视角”上发表并撰写文章 June 2014, 来自45个国家的300多名代表致力于实现联合国可持续发展目标 通过当地的参与走向未来.

Carla De Sola: From Alpha to Omega. 口述历史与传记式叙述M.A. 柯克包括大量的档案插图和信息发现在德索拉的个人收藏, in the Carla De Sola Collection of the Graduate Theological Union Archives, the Archives of Juilliard School, New York City, and the Archives of St. 约翰大教堂,纽约. 这段话的文字记录随附 Carla De Sola YouTube Channel with 28 films 参见“记录“活的遗产”在线:卡拉·德·索拉

Iraqi Women of Three Generations: Challenges, Education, and Hopes for Peace http://peacecenterbooks.与Patricia Madigan合著, 圣安东尼奥:和平中心和 len研究所, 2014. (The book is based on the exhibit of photographs and stories which is available

"变身者,áreas暴力事件确定Turquía,变身者,educación,变身者,变身者,educación,变身者,变身者,变身者,educación Iniciativas Transnacionales de Educación, Diálogo y Ayuda Humanitaria: El Movimiento Gülen, eds. Ali Condri, Juan Manuel. México D.F.:巴西国立大学Autónoma de msamxico (UNAM), 2012.

希望与治愈:来自伊拉克北部的故事,在那里,受法土拉·葛兰鼓舞的人们一直在服务, 休斯顿:休斯顿 len研究所大学,2011

Five articles related to religious dance and drama: "Los Seises," "Dance of Death," "Feast of Fools," "Isadora Duncan," and "Martha Graham" for the 新天主教百科全书增刊2011, ed. Robert L. 法斯蒂吉,法明顿山,密歇根州:Gale Cengage Learning, 2011.

“玛莎·安·柯克——向世界展示基督” A profile by Letha Dawson Scanzoni, cover story of Christian Feminism Today, Spring 2006, 1-4.

"意外的死亡之舞 Wising Up: Ritual Resources for Women of Faith in Their Journey of Aging 由凯西·布莱克和希瑟·默里·埃尔金斯编辑,由北美礼仪学院礼仪女性主义研究小组共同努力完成, Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2005, pages 137-144.

《圣经国度的妇女:慈悲与智慧的朝圣. A Michael Glazier Book. 克里奇维尔,明尼苏达州:礼仪出版社,2004年

“Come Dance Sophia’s Circle,” Post-Modern Worship and the Arts. Doug Adams and Michael E. Moynahan, SJ, editors. 圣何塞,加州:资源出版,2001,页. 102-115.

“Liturgical Drama,” 学院维尔天主教参考图书馆, CD-ROM (Collegeville, MN:礼仪出版社,2001).

Presented “Women Church-Celebrating Women,” a workshop at the World Council of Churches in 50 th 津巴布韦周年纪念会议, with the closing of “The Ecumenical Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women,” 1998.

《Word Made Flesh》,Danzando con la creación video. Kansas City: Sheed and Ward, 1995.

Celebrations of Biblical Women's Stories Tears, Milk and Honey,堪萨斯城,密苏里州:Sheed和Ward, 1987.

像神的女儿,与神一同哭泣,歌唱赞美神, drama, mime, and dance on a 55 minute video with study guide. 堪萨斯城,密苏里州:Sheed和Ward, 1987.

Dancing with Creation: Mexican and Native American Dance in Christian Worship and Education,加利福尼亚州萨拉托加:资源出版社,1983.

  • American Academy of Religion
  • Catholic Academy of Liturgy
  • North American Academy of Liturgy
  • Pax Christi
  • Sacred Dance Guild
  • 世界课程与教学委员会
  • Women’s Ordination Conference

Dance, drama, arts, literature as windows to the transcendent; biking, walking, sitting in nature almost every day as contemplative experience; building friendships, especially across cultures, faiths, and barriers

  • A Founding Fellow of the 2020 San Antonio Compassionate Institute, awarded by Mayor Ron Nirenberg, June 6, 2021
  • 在一年一度的SoL光之源成人跨信仰教育中心聚会上颁发的“行动中的同情”奖, 2019
  • 4月9日,圣言大学获得了联合劝募协会首届“高等教育社区影响服务”年度志愿者奖, 2019年在托宾表演艺术中心举行.
  • Recipient of the 2019 Robert J. 康纳利学院领导奖,2019年1月7日.
  • 被圣安东尼奥和平中心授予“2013年圣安东尼奥和平奖得主”,并被圣安东尼奥和平中心授予“世界慈悲姐妹”称号, January 27, 2013. 参见“CCVI获和平中心表彰”。 Today’s Catholic,  February 22, 2013. “ 2013年圣安东尼奥和平奖得主:玛莎·安修女.” E-Brief News of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, January
  • “Faculty of the Year 2011” presented by the UIW Student Government Association, April 2011.
  • “Insigne Verbum”奖“追求和平的跨宗教和跨文化对话奖”由世界大学在毕业典礼上颁发, December 11, 2010.
  • 以“教育与对话在构建和谐社会中的贡献”为主题的跨宗教对话研究所友谊晚宴上的“和平奖”," November 14, 2010.
  • "Commitment and Dedication Award in recognition of your dedicated efforts, leadership and inspiration in the development and promotion of Interfaith Harmony," presented by CAIR-SA (the Council on American Islamic Relations-San Antonio), 在第七届跨宗教斋月开斋仪式上, 2010.
  • A special award presented by the Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation, 一个公民和人权倡导组织, 在2009年第一届斋月公民开斋仪式上, 与朱利安·卡斯特罗市长和苏珊娜·德里昂市长举行“斋月:分享的一个月:搭建相互理解的桥梁”活动. 伊玛目·马赫迪·布雷(Imam Mahdi Bray)是华盛顿特区的执行董事.C. office presided, 2009
  • “Sister St. Pierre Cinquin” Award for Faith, 延续使命奖(2007年, presented in the spring of 2008).
  • Honored as the Texas Pax Christi Peacemaker 2005 at the state conference, April 23. This was cited in National Catholic Reporter, May 20, 2005, Vol. 41, No. 29, 4.
  • “Art of Peace Award” from the St. Mary’s University President’s Peace Commission for using the arts in the service of peace, justice, and human understanding, March 28, 2003.
  • 圣安东尼奥律师基金会和平缔造者奖,” presented by Mayor Ed Garza, March 1, 2003年,特别是在穆斯林方面的工作, Christian, and Jewish dialogue.
  • 我选定的派珀教授提名人.W. 1995年、1996年、1997年的教员和行政人员.
  • 穆迪教授(IW杰出教师),1991-2.
  • 危地马拉团结之旅,2023年5月.
  • 发起并协助开发“服务学习和从事奖学金”图书馆指南 与研究生研究助理和图书馆员洛雷娜·塞斯托一起.
  • 青年女性全球领导力计划的导师
  • 美洲教师网络的刘易斯中心
  • 妇女和性别研究咨询委员会
  • 国际司法的领导者, Peace, 和道成肉身的世界姐妹创造委员会的完整性,包括与博客的编辑工作 Justice, Peace, Creation
  • Development and leadership in the SA Compassionate Institutes
  • Active with Women’s Global Connection, 2003-2020, 发展全球教育伙伴关系, conferences, and tours, 并为全球女童峰会领导力项目做出贡献.
  • Various Study/Service Tours with graduate and undergraduate students:
  • 墨西哥和/或美墨边境地区服务和团结之旅的组织者或联合领导者:维拉克鲁兹, Mexico City 1979; Talapa and Mexico City, 2004; Juarez, El Paso, TX, Anthony, NM, 2005; Monterrey, 2007; Piedras Negras, 2008, 2009; El Paso, 2010; Rio Grande Valley, 2011, 2012, 2013
  • 《澳门博彩官网下载》,教导和促进与犹太人的对话, Muslim, and Christian women leaders. 1996年、1999年、2001年、2004年、2005年、2007年、2009年(与妇女全球联系合作的巡回演出)
  • 秘鲁:信仰与团结考察之旅, 2002, 2006, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019.
  • 与宗教间对话研究所合作. Interfaith Tours in Turkey: Graduate students in “Adult Education: International Dialog” in 2008; Undergraduate students in “Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Dialogue” 2011, 2013, 2014.
  • Women of Ireland including the Women’s Ordination Worldwide Conference, Summer, 2001.
  • 圣安东尼奥雨滴之家(前称宗教间对话研究所)顾问委员会2009年至今
  • uw十月特别节目 正义月、和平月、创造和平日 and Women’s History Month.

她举例说明了“化身世界的第二代学生”的责任,以促进全球公民教育和同情心的一些价值观, justice-seeking, 80年前,她的母亲艾达·柯尼格·柯克积极参与当地社区活动,并于1943年获得文学学士学位,1965年获得文学硕士学位.  

  • Charter for Compassion
  • Creativity
  • Social Justice
  • Peacebuilding
  • Catholic Social Teaching
  • Arts as Spirituality and Theology
  • Feminism
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Ritual
  • Liturgical Theology
  • Social Justice Leadership;
  • 基督教敬拜艺术(戏剧、舞蹈、故事和视觉)
  • Spirituality and Prayer
  • Christianity through Art
  • Christian Worship
  • Women in Christian Tradition
  • Women and Faith
  • 大屠杀——永不重演(与人权交叉引用)
  • World Religions
  • 平信徒祷告和讲道的领导
  • Liturgy
  • Women, Justice, and Faith
  • Meditation and Non-violence
  • 世界宗教与国际冲突
  • Christian Morality
  • Art History I and II
  • Cultural History
  • Twentieth Century Art History
  • 中小学的艺术教育
  • American Art History
  • Life Drawing
  • Study/Service tours to Mexico, Turkey, Holy Land, Peru, Ireland, and US/Mexico border areas